my place within the universe
Artist’s Statement
My arts production is underpinned by a strong sense of connection to environment, community, and my place within the universe.
For the past ten years my focus has been on teaching art and contributing to community arts projects. It excites me enormously to change direction and refocus on my personal arts practice with the intention of exhibiting to support awareness for climate challenges.Using a range of media and techniques my work expresses on-going concern, love, and compassion for all living things.
The rhythm of the universe and the intermingled relationship between the circle, soul, earth, and climate challenges continue to be themes that I feel compelled to explore and express. In this endeavour I am guided by the wisdom of ancient Indigenous cultures, and embracing quality time being at one with nature.
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Who is Lou Callow
Lou has a strong sense of connection to community, the environment and her place within the universe.
Her sense of community was ingrained as a child, where meeting physical, mental and spiritual needs were paramount to her family’s survival, living as part of a soldier settlement community. Connectedness, supporting one another, sharing skills and knowledge were essential and underpinned the close farming network.
Lou’s ability to creatively express this connection was nurtured at a very young age. Having the freedom to roam, explore and appreciate the animals, farm environment and experience it’s distinct seasons, gave Lou a backdrop from which to create and build. Her father’s power tools were put to excellent use!
Creative processes of imagining, problem solving, exploring, pushing boundaries and embellishing are reflected in all forms of her artwork. Each piece demonstrates Lou’s fluid and entwined interaction with the world around her.
When there is the need for creative inspiration Lou reaches out through her spirituality and connectedness to the universe.
“When I’m seeking guidance for a piece, or need to work through an issue at a deeper level, I send it out to the cosmos. It comes back to me as a vision in day or night dreaming. My challenge then is to bring the vision into reality through an art work.”
Lou’s personal painting is Surrealist, often focusing on the universe, or environment, where the spontaneity and extremes of the seasons captures her imagination.
Describing herself as a multi-skilled artist, Lou’s adaptability is particularly evident in her community work where she turns her skills towards the needs of the people she is working with – painting, sculpting, rituals.